Introducing the Texas Community College Student Advisory Council

Over a dozen community college students will help advocate for policy solutions at the Texas Capitol

Community college students from across Texas have been selected for the new Texas Community College Student Advisory Council. 

The Student Advisory Council is organized and supported by Young Invincibles, The Education Trust in Texas, Every Texan, and Breakthrough Central Texas as a joint initiative of the Texas Postsecondary Advocates Coalition for Equity (TX PACE). The student members of the Council include first-generation college students, armed forces veterans, student government leaders, and Texans of diverse races, ethnicities, ages, and backgrounds. As part of a paid fellowship, student members will be actively engaged in the work of the Texas Commission on Community College Finance and subsequent legislative activity.

For 2023, five additional community college students have joined the Student Advisory Council to continue this vital work!

Meet the new members below.

Recent Updates and Materials

Student Advisory Council Testimony

2024 Cohort

Myles “MLC” Lopez-Cepero (He / Him)

Austin Community College

Myles, an economics student at Austin Community College, brings a diverse background and a passion for community engagement to his academic pursuits. Born in Austin and raised in Oklahoma, Myles returned to Austin in 2021 to pursue his college education. Before starting college in 2022, he gained valuable experience working various jobs, including retail, Social Security contracting and TV production. At ACC, Myles is an active member of the Honors Student Organization, serving as treasurer and leading fundraising efforts. He also coordinates the ACC Honors Lyceum, promoting learning beyond the classroom through discussion events. Engaged in student government, Myles advocates for his peers, particularly in initiatives such as expanding access to menstrual care products. He represents students on committees addressing student rights, responsibilities and curriculum. Myles desires to create a positive legacy and empower others, drawing from his experiences balancing work, school and family obligations. With a background in economics, he aspires to advise economic policy and address economic inequality in Texas. In his free time, Myles enjoys sudoku, reading and playing piano.

Desteny Espinoza

San Antonio College

Desteny Espinoza is a Mexican American First-Generation Latina currently attending San Antonio College. Desteny is the current President of the Student Government Association at her campus and serves as the Chairperson for the Student District Council at the Alamo Colleges. Desteny was also elected to serve as the San Antonio College representative at the Texas Junior College Student Government Association and is former president of the National Society of Leadership and Success Chapter at SAC. She is passionate about student leadership and engagement. Her academic goals are to graduate from SAC and work her way up to earning her PhD in Education Leadership and work with future student leaders.

Chrischen Thompson (He/Him)

Austin Community College

Chrischen Thompson is a driven student at the University of Texas at Austin (UT), majoring in International Relations and Global Studies with a minor in International Business Law. As a first-generation college student, Chrischen’s journey is marked by ambition and resilience, fueled by his desire to serve his country through the Department of State in the Foreign Service, focusing on international security and private sectors overseas. Chrischen’s commitment to equity and access in education led him to join the State Authorization Network (formerly WCET), where he delves into understanding the challenges and barriers faced by individuals seeking post-secondary education, particularly those recently incarcerated. Driven by his experiences as a non-traditional student, Chrischen is dedicated to reshaping the education system to support all learners equally, irrespective of their backgrounds. His passion lies in making education accessible and affordable to everyone who seeks it. Beyond his academic pursuits, Chrischen finds solace in the kitchen, enjoying the art of cooking, and finds escapism in the enchanting world of the Harry Potter series through binge-watching sessions.

Montoya “Toya” Thomas (She/Her)

Lone Star College

Montoya “Toya” Thomas was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She graduated from Lone Star College – University Park in Houston, Texas, with a degree in Communications and plans to continue her education in Public Relations. She began her journey as a secretary in the Black Student Union Club, where Montoya’s dedication and unwavering commitment paved the path to her eventual presidency of the organization. Montoya enjoys traveling, volunteering in the community, and advocating for foster youth in the justice system. Through her public speaking skills and her journey in foster care, Montoya intends to advocate for other community college students.

Dane Adams (He/Him)

Tyler Junior College

As an honors student, passionate advocate and community leader, Dane has dedicated himself to advancing the interests of East Texas both locally and regionally. Despite a non-traditional path through higher education, Dane’s journey has been rich with experiences that have shaped his professional development. Beginning at Trinity Valley Community College, Dane immersed himself in scholarly research, presenting his market analysis of Athens, Texas, during the Academic Learning Symposium. At Tyler Junior College, his commitment to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society led to projects addressing the needs of first-generation students and establishing an International Relations organization. Transitioning to The University of Texas at Tyler, Dane continued his service through leadership roles in various student organizations. These experiences have deepened his understanding of East Texas and fueled his aspirations for urban and regional development. Throughout his academic journey, Dane remains grateful for the opportunities afforded by community colleges and is committed to uplifting others in East Texas while pursuing his career goals.


Sofia Jimenez (She/Her)

Del Mar College

Sofia Jimenez is a dedicated healthcare professional and community leader from Aransas Pass, Texas, known for her exceptional commitment to service and advocacy. After graduating with honors from Del Mar College’s Vocational Nursing Program in 2004, she worked as a geriatric and pediatric nurse. She has since expanded her expertise, earning a psychology associate from Del Mar College in 2021. Sofia is passionate about giving back both on and off campus. She served as President of the Student Government Association and advocated for mental health awareness as a National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) facilitator. Her dedication extends beyond academia, as she is involved with various non-profits and community boards. In 2022, she was inducted into Del Mar College’s Hall of Fame. Sofia’s commitment to inclusivity and advocacy for underrepresented individuals has earned her recognition and respect throughout the Coastal Bend region. Now, as a member of the 2024 Student Advisory Council Program, Sofia continues her mission to enact positive change and improve educational opportunities for all.

Igor Lucic (He/Him)

Houston Community College

Igor Lucic is a refugee from the Yugoslavian Civil War who is currently studying Artificial Intelligence at Houston Community College. Shaped by his difficult upbringing, Igor is passionate about breaking down barriers and connecting people from all walks of life. You can see this in his past work. He has helped battle food insecurity with the nonprofit ‘OpenMeal’ by harnessing tech and targeting the most at-risk members of society. He is committed to leveraging AI and education to bridge gaps between communities and foster a world where technology transcends borders, connecting people and elevating the human experience for all.

Courtney Paige (She/Her)

Dallas College

Courtney Paige hails from Wichita, KS, but she wasted no time finding her way to Dallas. There, she seamlessly integrated into the local culture and became a beloved community figure. She is a first-generation graduate from Dallas College and is currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Leadership at the HBCU Fisk. Courtney is a seasoned Relationship Manager who skillfully connects leaders in both corporate and non-profit sectors. Passionate about cultivating impactful collaborations, she excels in constructing strategic relationships that bring positive change. Courtney focuses on skills-based hiring and empowers organizations to identify and utilize talent effectively. Her dedication to aligning skills with organizational goals has established her as a trusted advisor in talent acquisition, shaping dynamic partnerships that drive success for individuals and the organizations she serves. Beyond her professional achievements, Courtney is a well-known traveler in the blogging community, having explored 47 countries. Regardless of her location, you can catch her belting out karaoke tunes or gracefully ballroom dancing. Living life to the fullest, she’s making the most of every adventure.

Skye Kern (She/Her)

Odessa College

Skye Kern is a first-generation student at Odessa College and mother of three amazing young men. Skye is pursuing a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science in Leadership & Entrepreneurship and Associate degrees in Sociology and Psychology. Skye intends to use her higher education to build a successful business in the Permian Basin and continue giving back to her community. Skye is an active member of Positively OC, the Presidential Scholarship program at Odessa College, serving as a student leader online, on-campus, and in the community. She spends quality time with family and friends in her free time and enjoys camping, hiking, and writing.

Joannette Casias (She/Her)

Palo Alto College

Joannette Casias is a first-generation non-traditional TRIO Sophomore at Palo Alto College in San Antonio, Texas. She is pursuing an Associate of Applied Science in Business Management Operations and Entrepreneurship. She actively contributes to her college community by engaging in various campus leadership roles and organizations, including serving as a Presidential Ambassador and Vice President of the PAC chapter in Ascender: Catch the Next. Joannette has completed internships with Palo Alto College’s Business Department and the State of Texas Bexar County Small Business and Entrepreneurship Department. Outside of academics, Joannette is a proud native Latina dedicated to her faith, family and community. Involved in church ministries and passionate about art, music, and travel, Joannette strives to positively impact first-generation, non-traditional minority students with her experience, knowledge, and compassion.

Colton Grahmann (He/Him)

Odessa College

Colton Grahmann was born in Cuero, Texas. He graduated from Cuero High School. He is currently in the Odessa College ADN program. Colton plans to pursue a career in healthcare as a mental health nurse. In his free time, he enjoys playing video games with his wife and daughter.

2023 Student Advisory Council Member Additions!

Montoya Thomas

Lone Star College - University Park

Houston, Texas

Montoya “Toya” Thomas was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She recently graduated from Lone Star College - University Park in Houston, Texas, with a degree in Communications. She plans to return for her Bachelor's in Public Relations in Fall 2023. She started as a secretary in Club Black Student Union, and with dedication and consistency, Montoya had the opportunity to become President of the organization. Montoya enjoys traveling, volunteering in the community as well as advocating for foster youth in the justice system. Through her public speaking skills and her journey in foster care, Montoya intends to advocate for other community college students.

Chelsea Talley

Tarrant County College

Ft. Worth, Texas

Chelsea is a freshman majoring in Paralegal Studies at Tarrant County College. She holds a student government senator position at her college campus. She is a community advocate for the homeless, mental health, impoverished, and domestic violence communities. Chelsea loves doing outreach and is working on a homeless committee within her student council position to create a scholarship for students affected by homelessness in Tarrant County, Texas. Overall, she enjoys helping others in any way she can and loves challenging herself to become a better voice for the communities impacted by these widespread issues.

Through the SAC, Chelsea hopes to enhance her goals and ambitions for Texas students and continue to work towards positively impacting students’ lives.

Joni Rodriguez

Palo Alto College

San Antonio, Texas

Joni is a native Texan and a Palo Alto College (PAC) student in San Antonio, Texas. Having received an AAS in Cosmetology/Esthetics, she is currently pursuing another Associate's degree in Business Administration. She then plans to transfer to Texas A&M-San Antonio to earn her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship. Joni is also the Secretary of Business & Treasury for her chapter SGA, as well as the primary delegate for The Alamo Colleges District Student Council representing PAC and all five member colleges, Volunteer Coordinator for the Honors Legacy Club, Phi Theta Kappa member, and former President of Palo Alto's Cosmetology club, PAC Beauty Society. She also is a voting member of the PAC Student Services Fee Advisory Council. Joni is also a mentee in LeadHers, an exclusive women's mentorship program.

In her free time, she enjoys her family moments with her daughter and husband, and also, when she has the time, reading, sewing, jewelry making, and dancing in a women's troupe that perform all over San Antonio and surrounding communities.

Through the SAC, Joni hopes to better understand the legislative process and how leaders consider the needs of current and future students. She attended the Community College at the Capitol Day in Austin, Texas and was astounded that she could impact state leaders’ decisions to support a policy directly affecting her and community college students alike.

Elias Ramirez

College of the Mainland

Galveston, Texas

Elias is a first-generation American born and raised in Galveston County, Texas. With a strong connection to his community and a passion for making a positive impact, Elias has been an active leader since his youth. During his time at Texas City High School, he channeled his energy into leading the Environmental Science Club, known as the "Green Stings," and inspiring his peers to become stewards of the environment. As a recent graduate from the class of 2021, he continues to make a difference in his community by serving as the President of the Community Engagement Club at College of the Mainland, where he works to promote civic engagement and volunteerism. Elias also works at a non-profit organization that aims to inspire youth by instructing the STEAM program and helping young students develop skills. Currently pursuing an Associate of Arts in General Studies, Elias plans to transfer to the University of Houston-Clear Lake to obtain his Bachelor's degree in Public Service Leadership. Through his education and community involvement, Elias is dedicated to empowering others and making a positive impact to lift others around him.

As a member of the SAC, Elias looks forward to serving and advocating for community college students.

Ashanti Mitchell

Blinn College

Bryan, Texas

Ashanti Mitchell is a first-generation college student attending Blinn College in Bryan, Texas. She is a freshman majoring in Education, hoping to earn her Associate of Science within the next two years and eventually transfer to Texas A&M - Rellis to earn a Bachelor of Science in Education through Sam Houston University. On campus, she is involved in her Student Government Association, actively planning and organizing events for students on campus. Her goal is to advocate and advance the dire needs of community college students upon higher powers to get the recognition and attention needed for students. Utilizing the skills and communication necessary to be a leader and voice for students in her similar situation is where her drive stems from. 

Through the SAC, Ashanti hopes to gain knowledge and share her experience to encourage people with similar backgrounds who may need help to make it through college by letting others know it is possible!