Student Advisory Council Testimony
Lifting up student voices at the Texas Capitol
During the current legislative session in Texas, improving access and success rates for community college students has been the key area of focus for the Student Advisory Council (SAC). Members of the SAC have testified at the Capitol before the Senate Higher Education Subcommittee and the House Higher Education Committee in support of proposed legislation based on the recommendations of the Texas Commission on Community College Finance, which the SAC helped advise. The member's goal is to improve access, supports and outcomes for community college students in Texas.
Ángel García for SB2539
For SB 2539 – Recent Dallas College student and member Ángel García Donjuán testified before the Senate Higher Education Subcommittee on March 23, 2023, in support of SB 2539. García Donjuán highlighted how access to dual credit positively impacted his college and career trajectory. He shared that, as proposed by SB 2539, more Texas students could access these opportunities and community colleges rewarded reliable performance funding for the success of first-generation students like himself. Read the testimony here.
Chelsea Talley for SB2539
For 2539 – Tarrant County College student and member Chelsea Talley testified before the Senate Higher Education Subcommittee on March 23, 2023, in support of SB 2539. She is an aspiring first-generation college graduate and a student council chair. As a parenting student with a child also enrolled in dual credit, Chelsea knows firsthand the opportunities that community colleges offer. She believes SB 2539 can help more students and families like hers achieve their academic and career goals. Read the testimony here
Elias Ramirez for SB2539
For 2539 – College of the Mainland student and member Elias Ramirez also testified before the Senate Higher Education Subcommittee on March 23, 2023, in support of Senate Bill 2539 (SB 2539). Ramirez highlighted his experience as a low-income student struggling to secure funds to cover textbooks and other class materials. He shared how SB 2539 would ensure small community colleges like his would benefit from a base level of funding to ensure student retention, completion, and success. Read the testimony here.
Victoria Hoover for HB8
For HB 8 – Recent Tyler Junior College graduate and member Victoria Hoover testified before the House Higher Education Committee on March 20, 2023, in support of House Bill 8 (HB 8). Hoover talked about her experience as a “non-traditional” student in rural East Texas and the necessity of HB 8 to fund community colleges and support student completion and success in today’s rapidly-changing economy. Read the testimony here and watch the video here.
Montoya Thomas for HB8
For HB 8 – Lone Star College student Montoya Thomas testified before the House Higher Education Committee on March 20, 2023, in support of House Bill 8 (HB 8). Montoya shared her transition out of foster care and her constant battle navigating her education while trying to secure housing. She identifies how HB 8 would ensure that every Texas community college receives essential funding to meet the needs of students like herself. Read the testimony here and watch the video here.
Victoria Hoover for SB 200
For SB 200 – Student Advisory Council member Victoria Hoover also submitted written comments in support of SB 200 before the Senate Higher Education Subcommittee. The bill would disregard older transcripts when students, such as adult learners, decide to re-enroll in classes. As Hoover wrote, the bill “would open doors for Texans who are striving to start over and make the most of their educational opportunities.” Read the testimony here